Sponsor a Beehive

Organisation Sustainability Initiatives

Go Green! Sponsor a Beehive

Demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to sustainability and sponsor a Beehive at The Bee Barn.  Work with our Organisation Sustainability Initiatives ‘BEE Connected’ team, to enhance your organisation’s ESG compliance. We offer beehive management, partnered with unique educational programs and team building expereiences onsite at our workshop.

Bees pollinate our fields, farms, orchards and gardens which are providing nearly one-third of the food we eat. They bring sweetness to our lives. But bees face serious threats and need our help. At The Bee Barn, we are dedicated to building awareness for these vital pollinators.  When you sponsor a beehive, you are giving back to a very impactful cause.


Contact Us 

Kindly fill in the form to connect with our friendly staff to organise beehive sponsorship for your team or organisation’s sustainability initiatives.

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